Global Community of Social Changemakers

About us

PathFinder is a unique virtual cross-cultural educational program for for international youths students Bangladesh, Zambia, India, Sweden and the Philippines, and the United States. We are committed to create 250+ social change-makers by 2022. A three months long program educates students on the values of entrepreneurship, community leadership, and their role as potential young leaders to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and encourage them to become more inclusive and diversified communities.

Impact Numbers

Students onboarded
Countries onboarded
Hours of SDGs & design thinking workshops
SDG solutions created

Program journey

Youth Engagement

Selecting international students between 12 to 23 years

Step 01

Design Solution

Total 4 classes on Design Thinking & System Thinking by global professionals

Step 02

Entrepreneurship Classes

Total 6 classes on social entreprenurship and community leaderships

Step 02

Learning SDGs

Total 6 classes on SDGs by UNDP Accelerator Lab

Step 04

Prototype implementations

Investment pitch, project showcasing, and connecting with ecosystem

Step 05

Learning from Exploration

In the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the “Gig Economy’” the world is witnessing a dramatic shift in what is desired in an employee and the creation of a new type of employee. The future requires the new generation to be equipped with novel skills such as ideation, problem framing, design thinking, prototyping, and social innovation, and as the world transitions increasingly into a virtual space demand will keep on rising for expertise in digital, virtual, and global collaboration, and cross-cultural competencies.

Our Team

Our Partners